Problem: A company needed to replace the elevator jack because it was leaking oil faster than they could replace it. The jack went 45' into the ground. They needed to take that jack out, put a new one in and remove all of the dirt that encased the old jack.
Solution: We ran a 4” diameter vacuum hose through the building to the elevator and we set up a barrel interceptor so that it was easy to get rid of the oil contaminated dirt. Then we hung a 4” diameter hose from the ceiling and ran an airlance to break up the compacted material and vacuum it out.
Problem: A contractor had a hole 30' deep and 6' wide, and approximately 1' above a 24" sewer main that they needed to tie into. They could not safely get the dirt out from around the pipe and out of the hole.
Solution: We threw a long 6” diameter vacuum hose down the hole and had TLC shovel into the vacuum. The vacuum carried the dirt out of the hole and provided sufficient air flow for the laborers in the hole.
Problem: The client needed to dig a hole 9.5' deep and 3' wide. There was no way to get a tracker into the area because of the buildings and concrete blocking the way.
Solution: Vacuum truck and a long 6" diameter hose.
Problem: At a city Solid Waste Management location, they were attempting to drill and then blow up a rock shelf. It rained and filled all of their drill holes with water.
In order to continue using their dynamite, they needed to dry out the holes. All of the holes were around 30' deep and 4" wide.
Solution: We used a vacuum truck with a really long 3" diameter hose and a forklift.
Problem: A Waste Water Treatment Plant had a problem with drainage. Their denitrification chambers needed to be cleaned, but they couldn't drain or pump the sand out of the chambers before cleaning.
Solution: We used our large vacuum truck to remove the sand. Then we drained off the water to a nearby manhole in order to maximize our efficiency during the job.
Problem: Client had the need for a hole 6’ deep and 18” wide in order to place a pole. This was a problem because it was inside of a concrete walled electrical substation with lots of high voltage lines branching in every direction underground.
Solution: We used an air truck to dig the hole. We also used a barrel interceptor so that the dirt taken out of the hole stayed close at hand and be used for backfill once the pole was in place.